metamoth package#

Metamoth: A Python package for parsing AudioMoth metadata.

Metamoth is a Python package for parsing metadata from AudioMoth recordings. It provides a function to parse the metadata from a WAV file and returns an object with the metadata as attributes.

metamoth.parse_metadata(path: Union[PathLike, str]) AMMetadata[source]#

Parse the metadata from an AudioMoth recording.


path : PathLike



Parse metadata from the recording at path. The metadata is returned as a AMMetadata object.


metamoth.artist module#

Functions for reading the artist chunk from a WAV file.

metamoth.artist.get_am_artist(wav: BinaryIO, chunk: Chunk) Optional[str][source]#

Get the artist string from the WAV file.



The WAV file.


The RIFF chunk, which is the root chunk.



The artist string. If the artist is not found, returns None. module#

Audio file utilities. Union[PathLike, str]) bool[source]#

Return True if path is a RIFF file.

An RIFF file is a IFF file with the RIFF chunk ID. The RIFF chunk ID is the first 4 bytes of the file.


path : PathLike


bool Union[PathLike, str]) bool[source]#

Return True if path is a WAV file.

A WAV file is a RIFF file with the WAVE chunk ID. The WAVE chunk ID is the 8th byte of the file.


path : PathLike


bool Union[PathLike, str]) bool[source]#

Return True if filename is a WAV file.

metamoth.chunks module#

Parse a RIFF file into chunks and subchunks.

This module is based on the RIFF specification:

The RIFF file format is a container format for storing data in tagged chunks. Each chunk consists of a 4-byte chunk ID, a 4-byte little-endian chunk size, and the chunk data. The chunk data is padded with a null byte if the chunk size is odd.

The RIFF file format is used for storing audio and video data. The RIFF file format is also used for storing other types of data, such as text, images, and metadata.

class metamoth.chunks.Chunk(chunk_id: str, size: int, position: int, identifier: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, subchunks: ~typing.List[~metamoth.chunks.Chunk] = <factory>)[source]#

Bases: object

A chunk of a RIFF file.



The chunk ID.

position: int

The position of the chunk in the file.


The chunk size.


The subchunks of the chunk.

chunk_id: str#
identifier: Optional[str] = None#
position: int#
size: int#
subchunks: List[Chunk]#
metamoth.chunks.parse_into_chunks(riff: BinaryIO) Chunk[source]#

Return the RIFF file chunk and subchunks.



Open file object of the RIFF file.



metamoth.comments module#

Functions for reading the comment chunk of an AudioMoth WAV file.

metamoth.comments.get_am_comment(wav: BinaryIO, chunk: Chunk) str[source]#

Return the comment from the WAV file.



Open file object of the WAV file.


The RIFF chunk info, which is the root chunk. Should include the LIST chunk as a subchunk.


comment : str

metamoth.config module#

Module with AudioMoth configuration classes for different versions.

class metamoth.config.Config1_0(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_band: int = 4, clock_divider: int = 2, acquisition_cycles: int = 2, oversample_rate: int = 16, sample_rate: int = 48000, sleep_duration: int = 0, record_duration: int = 60, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.0.

Also valid for version 1.0.1

acquisition_cycles: int = 2#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
clock_band: int = 4#
clock_divider: int = 2#
enable_led: bool = True#
gain: int = 2#
oversample_rate: int = 16#
record_duration: int = 60#
sample_rate: int = 48000#
sleep_duration: int = 0#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_1_0(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 0, record_duration: int = 60, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.1.0.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
clock_divider: int = 4#
enable_led: bool = True#
gain: int = 2#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 60#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 0#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_2_0(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sleep_duration: int = 0, record_duration: int = 60, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone: int = 0)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.2.0.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
clock_divider: int = 4#
enable_led: bool = True#
gain: int = 2#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 60#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sleep_duration: int = 0#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_2_1(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sleep_duration: int = 0, record_duration: int = 60, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone: int = 0, enable_battery_check: bool = False, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.2.1.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
enable_battery_check: bool = False#
enable_led: bool = True#
gain: int = 2#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 60#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sleep_duration: int = 0#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_2_2(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 0, record_duration: int = 60, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone_hours: int = 0, enable_battery_check: bool = False, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False, timezone_minutes: int = 0)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.2.2.

Also valid for version 1.3.0.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
enable_battery_check: bool = False#
enable_led: bool = True#
gain: int = 2#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 60#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 0#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone_hours: int = 0#
timezone_minutes: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_4_0(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 5, record_duration: int = 55, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone_hours: int = 0, enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = False, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False, timezone_minutes: int = 0, disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False, earliest_recording_time: int = 0, latest_recording_time: int = 0, lower_filter_freq: int = 0, higher_filter_freq: int = 0, amplitude_threshold: int = 0)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.4.0.

Also valid for version 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4,

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
amplitude_threshold: int = 0#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False#
earliest_recording_time: int = 0#
enable_led: bool = True#
enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = False#
gain: int = 2#
higher_filter_freq: int = 0#
latest_recording_time: int = 0#
lower_filter_freq: int = 0#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 55#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 5#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone_hours: int = 0#
timezone_minutes: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_5_0(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 5, record_duration: int = 55, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = False, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone_hours: int = 0, enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = False, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False, timezone_minutes: int = 0, disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False, earliest_recording_time: int = 0, latest_recording_time: int = 0, lower_filter_freq: int = 0, higher_filter_freq: int = 0, amplitude_threshold: int = 0, require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False, battery_level_display_type: ~metamoth.enums.BatteryLevelDisplayType = BatteryLevelDisplayType.BATTERY_LEVEL, minimum_amplitude_threshold_duration: int = 0)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.5.0.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = False#
amplitude_threshold: int = 0#
battery_level_display_type: BatteryLevelDisplayType = 1#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False#
earliest_recording_time: int = 0#
enable_led: bool = True#
enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = False#
gain: int = 2#
higher_filter_freq: int = 0#
latest_recording_time: int = 0#
lower_filter_freq: int = 0#
minimum_amplitude_threshold_duration: int = 0#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 55#
require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 5#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone_hours: int = 0#
timezone_minutes: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_6_0(time: int = 0, gain: int = 2, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 5, record_duration: int = 55, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = True, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone_hours: int = 0, enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = True, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False, timezone_minutes: int = 0, disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False, earliest_recording_time: int = 0, latest_recording_time: int = 0, lower_filter_freq: int = 0, higher_filter_freq: int = 0, amplitude_threshold: int = 0, require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False, battery_level_display_type: ~metamoth.enums.BatteryLevelDisplayType = BatteryLevelDisplayType.BATTERY_LEVEL, minimum_trigger_duration: int = 0, enable_amplitude_threshold_decibel_scale: bool = False, amplitude_threshold_decibels: int = 0, enable_amplitude_threshold_percentage_scale: bool = False, amplitude_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0, amplitude_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0, enable_energy_saver_mode: bool = False, disable_48_hz_dc_blocking_filter: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.6.0.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = True#
amplitude_threshold: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_decibels: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0#
battery_level_display_type: BatteryLevelDisplayType = 1#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_48_hz_dc_blocking_filter: bool = False#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False#
earliest_recording_time: int = 0#
enable_amplitude_threshold_decibel_scale: bool = False#
enable_amplitude_threshold_percentage_scale: bool = False#
enable_energy_saver_mode: bool = False#
enable_led: bool = True#
enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = True#
gain: int = 2#
higher_filter_freq: int = 0#
latest_recording_time: int = 0#
lower_filter_freq: int = 0#
minimum_trigger_duration: int = 0#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 55#
require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 5#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone_hours: int = 0#
timezone_minutes: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_7_0(time: int = 0, gain: ~metamoth.enums.GainSetting = GainSetting.AM_GAIN_MEDIUM, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 5, record_duration: int = 55, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = True, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone_hours: int = 0, enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = True, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False, timezone_minutes: int = 0, disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False, earliest_recording_time: int = 0, latest_recording_time: int = 0, lower_filter_freq: int = 0, higher_filter_freq: int = 0, amplitude_threshold: int = 0, require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False, battery_level_display_type: ~metamoth.enums.BatteryLevelDisplayType = BatteryLevelDisplayType.BATTERY_LEVEL, minimum_trigger_duration: int = 0, enable_amplitude_threshold_decibel_scale: bool = False, amplitude_threshold_decibels: int = 0, enable_amplitude_threshold_percentage_scale: bool = False, amplitude_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0, amplitude_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0, enable_energy_saver_mode: bool = False, disable_48_hz_dc_blocking_filter: bool = False, enable_time_settings_from_gps: bool = False, enable_magnetic_switch: bool = False, enable_low_gain_range: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.7.0.

Also valid for version 1.7.1.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = True#
amplitude_threshold: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_decibels: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0#
battery_level_display_type: BatteryLevelDisplayType = 1#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_48_hz_dc_blocking_filter: bool = False#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False#
earliest_recording_time: int = 0#
enable_amplitude_threshold_decibel_scale: bool = False#
enable_amplitude_threshold_percentage_scale: bool = False#
enable_energy_saver_mode: bool = False#
enable_led: bool = True#
enable_low_gain_range: bool = False#
enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = True#
enable_magnetic_switch: bool = False#
enable_time_settings_from_gps: bool = False#
gain: GainSetting = 2#
higher_filter_freq: int = 0#
latest_recording_time: int = 0#
lower_filter_freq: int = 0#
minimum_trigger_duration: int = 0#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 55#
require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 5#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone_hours: int = 0#
timezone_minutes: int = 0#
class metamoth.config.Config1_8_0(time: int = 0, gain: ~metamoth.enums.GainSetting = GainSetting.AM_GAIN_MEDIUM, clock_divider: int = 4, acquisition_cycles: int = 16, oversample_rate: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 384000, sample_rate_divider: int = 8, sleep_duration: int = 5, record_duration: int = 55, enable_led: bool = True, active_start_stop_periods: bool = True, start_stop_period: ~typing.List[~metamoth.config.StartStopPeriod] = <factory>, timezone_hours: int = 0, enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = True, disable_battery_level_display: bool = False, timezone_minutes: int = 0, disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False, earliest_recording_time: int = 0, latest_recording_time: int = 0, lower_filter_freq: int = 0, higher_filter_freq: int = 0, amplitude_threshold: int = 0, frequency_trigger_centre_frequency: int = 0, require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False, battery_level_display_type: ~metamoth.enums.BatteryLevelDisplayType = BatteryLevelDisplayType.BATTERY_LEVEL, minimum_trigger_duration: int = 0, frequency_trigger_window_length_shift: int = 0, frequency_trigger_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0, frequency_trigger_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0, enable_amplitude_threshold_decibel_scale: bool = False, amplitude_threshold_decibels: int = 0, enable_amplitude_threshold_percentage_scale: bool = False, amplitude_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0, amplitude_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0, enable_energy_saver_mode: bool = False, disable_48_hz_dc_blocking_filter: bool = False, enable_time_settings_from_gps: bool = False, enable_magnetic_switch: bool = False, enable_low_gain_range: bool = False, enable_frequency_trigger: bool = False, enable_daily_folders: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

AudioMoth configuration for version 1.8.0.

Also valid for version 1.8.1.

acquisition_cycles: int = 16#
active_start_stop_periods: bool = True#
amplitude_threshold: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_decibels: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0#
amplitude_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0#
battery_level_display_type: BatteryLevelDisplayType = 1#
clock_divider: int = 4#
disable_48_hz_dc_blocking_filter: bool = False#
disable_battery_level_display: bool = False#
disable_sleep_record_cycle: bool = False#
earliest_recording_time: int = 0#
enable_amplitude_threshold_decibel_scale: bool = False#
enable_amplitude_threshold_percentage_scale: bool = False#
enable_daily_folders: bool = False#
enable_energy_saver_mode: bool = False#
enable_frequency_trigger: bool = False#
enable_led: bool = True#
enable_low_gain_range: bool = False#
enable_low_voltage_cutoff: bool = True#
enable_magnetic_switch: bool = False#
enable_time_settings_from_gps: bool = False#
frequency_trigger_centre_frequency: int = 0#
frequency_trigger_threshold_percentage_exponent: int = 0#
frequency_trigger_threshold_percentage_mantissa: int = 0#
frequency_trigger_window_length_shift: int = 0#
gain: GainSetting = 2#
higher_filter_freq: int = 0#
latest_recording_time: int = 0#
lower_filter_freq: int = 0#
minimum_trigger_duration: int = 0#
oversample_rate: int = 1#
record_duration: int = 55#
require_acoustic_configuration: bool = False#
sample_rate: int = 384000#
sample_rate_divider: int = 8#
sleep_duration: int = 5#
start_stop_period: List[StartStopPeriod]#
time: int = 0#
timezone_hours: int = 0#
timezone_minutes: int = 0#

metamoth.enums module#

Enums for the AudioMoth configurations and state.

class metamoth.enums.BatteryLevelDisplayType(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Battery level display type.

class metamoth.enums.BatteryState(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Battery state.

AM_BATTERY_4V5 = 10#
AM_BATTERY_4V6 = 11#
AM_BATTERY_4V7 = 12#
AM_BATTERY_4V8 = 13#
AM_BATTERY_4V9 = 14#
property volts: float#

Return the battery voltage.

class metamoth.enums.ExtendedBatteryState(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Extended battery state.

AM_EXT_BAT_2V5 = 1#
AM_EXT_BAT_2V6 = 2#
AM_EXT_BAT_2V7 = 3#
AM_EXT_BAT_2V8 = 4#
AM_EXT_BAT_2V9 = 5#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V0 = 6#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V1 = 7#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V2 = 8#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V3 = 9#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V4 = 10#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V5 = 11#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V6 = 12#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V7 = 13#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V8 = 14#
AM_EXT_BAT_3V9 = 15#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V0 = 16#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V1 = 17#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V2 = 18#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V3 = 19#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V4 = 20#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V5 = 21#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V6 = 22#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V7 = 23#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V8 = 24#
AM_EXT_BAT_4V9 = 25#
property volts: float#

Return the battery voltage.

class metamoth.enums.FilterType(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Filter type.

class metamoth.enums.GainSetting(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Gain setting.

class metamoth.enums.RecordingState(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Recording state.


metamoth.mediainfo module#

Get media information from a WAV file.

The WAV file must be a PCM WAV file. The WAV file must have a fmt chunk and a data chunk. The WAV file must have a samplerate and channels information in the fmt chunk.

class metamoth.mediainfo.MediaInfo(samplerate_hz: int, duration_s: float, samples: int, channels: int)[source]#

Bases: object

Media information.

channels: int#

Number of channels.

duration_s: float#

Duration in seconds.

samplerate_hz: int#

Sample rate in Hz.

samples: int#

Number of samples.

metamoth.mediainfo.get_media_info(wav: BinaryIO, chunk: Chunk) MediaInfo[source]#

Return the media information from the WAV file.



Open file object of the WAV file.


The RIFF chunk info, which is the root chunk. Should include the fmt and data chunks as subchunks.



metamoth.metadata module#

Module with AM Metadata structure for different firmware versions.

This module contains the AMMetadata class and its subclasses for different firmware versions.

class metamoth.metadata.AMMetadata(path: str, firmware_version: str, samplerate_hz: int, duration_s: float, samples: int, channels: int, audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float, recording_state: Optional[RecordingState] = RecordingState.RECORDING_OKAY, temperature_c: Optional[float] = None, amplitude_threshold: Optional[AmplitudeThreshold] = None, frequency_filter: Optional[FrequencyFilter] = None, deployment_id: Optional[int] = None, external_microphone: bool = False, minimum_trigger_duration_s: Optional[int] = None, frequency_trigger: Optional[FrequencyTrigger] = None)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadataV6, MediaInfo, ExtraMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata.

class metamoth.metadata.AmplitudeThreshold(enabled: bool, threshold: int)[source]#

Bases: object

Amplitude threshold applied to the recording.

enabled: bool#

True if the amplitude threshold is enabled.

threshold: int#

Amplitude threshold.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadata(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float)[source]#

Bases: object

Base class for AudioMoth metadata stored in comment.

audiomoth_id: str#

AudioMoth ID. This is the serial number of the AudioMoth.

battery_state_v: float#

Battery state in volts.

comment: str#

Full comment string.

datetime: datetime#

Datetime of the recording.

gain: GainSetting#

Gain setting of the AudioMoth.

low_battery: bool#

True if the battery is low.

timezone: timezone#

Timezone of the recording.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadataV1(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata in comment string.

Valid for versions 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 1.2.0,

Timezone is always UTC for versions 1.0 and 1.0.1. For versions 1.1.0 and 1.2.0, the an UTC hour offset can be set in the AudioMoth settings.

audiomoth_id: str#

AudioMoth ID. This is the serial number of the AudioMoth.

battery_state_v: float#

Battery state in volts.

comment: str#

Full comment string.

datetime: datetime#

Datetime of the recording.

gain: GainSetting#

Gain setting of the AudioMoth.

low_battery: bool#

True if the battery is low.

timezone: timezone#

Timezone of the recording.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadataV2(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float, recording_state: RecordingState)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata in comment string.

Valid for versions 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.0

recording_state: RecordingState#

Recording state of the AudioMoth.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadataV3(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float, recording_state: RecordingState, temperature_c: float, amplitude_threshold: AmplitudeThreshold, frequency_filter: FrequencyFilter)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata in comment string.

Valid for versions 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4

amplitude_threshold: AmplitudeThreshold#

Amplitude threshold applied to the recording.

frequency_filter: FrequencyFilter#

Frequency filter applied to the recording.

recording_state: RecordingState#

Recording state of the AudioMoth.

temperature_c: float#

Temperature in degrees Celsius.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadataV4(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float, recording_state: RecordingState, temperature_c: float, amplitude_threshold: AmplitudeThreshold, frequency_filter: FrequencyFilter, deployment_id: Optional[int], external_microphone: bool)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata in comment string.

Valid for version 1.5.0

amplitude_threshold: AmplitudeThreshold#

Amplitude threshold applied to the recording.

deployment_id: Optional[int]#

Deployment ID of the AudioMoth.

external_microphone: bool#

True if an external microphone is connected to the AudioMoth.

frequency_filter: FrequencyFilter#

Frequency filter applied to the recording.

recording_state: RecordingState#

Recording state of the AudioMoth.

temperature_c: float#

Temperature in degrees Celsius.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadataV5(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float, recording_state: RecordingState, temperature_c: float, amplitude_threshold: AmplitudeThreshold, frequency_filter: FrequencyFilter, deployment_id: Optional[str], external_microphone: bool, minimum_trigger_duration_s: int)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata in comment string.

Valid for versions 1.6.0, 1.7.0 and 1.7.1

amplitude_threshold: AmplitudeThreshold#

Amplitude threshold applied to the recording.

deployment_id: Optional[str]#

Deployment ID of the AudioMoth.

external_microphone: bool#

True if an external microphone is connected to the AudioMoth.

frequency_filter: FrequencyFilter#

Frequency filter applied to the recording.

minimum_trigger_duration_s: int#

Minimum trigger duration in seconds.

recording_state: RecordingState#

Recording state of the AudioMoth.

temperature_c: float#

Temperature in degrees Celsius.

class metamoth.metadata.CommentMetadataV6(audiomoth_id: str, datetime: datetime, timezone: timezone, gain: GainSetting, comment: str, low_battery: bool, battery_state_v: float, recording_state: Optional[RecordingState] = RecordingState.RECORDING_OKAY, temperature_c: Optional[float] = None, amplitude_threshold: Optional[AmplitudeThreshold] = None, frequency_filter: Optional[FrequencyFilter] = None, deployment_id: Optional[int] = None, external_microphone: bool = False, minimum_trigger_duration_s: Optional[int] = None, frequency_trigger: Optional[FrequencyTrigger] = None)[source]#

Bases: CommentMetadata

AudioMoth recording metadata in comment string.

Valid for versions 1.8.0 and 1.8.1

amplitude_threshold: Optional[AmplitudeThreshold] = None#

Amplitude threshold applied to the recording.

deployment_id: Optional[int] = None#

Deployment ID of the AudioMoth.

external_microphone: bool = False#

True if an external microphone is connected to the AudioMoth.

frequency_filter: Optional[FrequencyFilter] = None#

Frequency filter applied to the recording.

frequency_trigger: Optional[FrequencyTrigger] = None#

Frequency trigger metadata.

minimum_trigger_duration_s: Optional[int] = None#

Minimum trigger duration in seconds.

recording_state: Optional[RecordingState] = 1#

Recording state of the AudioMoth.

temperature_c: Optional[float] = None#

Temperature in degrees Celsius.

class metamoth.metadata.ExtraMetadata(path: str, firmware_version: str)[source]#

Bases: object

Extra metadata.

firmware_version: str#

Firmware version of the AudioMoth.

path: str#

Path to the recording.

class metamoth.metadata.FrequencyFilter(type: FilterType, higher_frequency_hz: Optional[int], lower_frequency_hz: Optional[int])[source]#

Bases: object

Frequency filter applied to the recording.

higher_frequency_hz: Optional[int]#

Higher filter frequency in Hz. None if no upper filter is applied.

lower_frequency_hz: Optional[int]#

Lower filter frequency in Hz. None if no lower filter is applied.

type: FilterType#

Filter type applied to the recording.

class metamoth.metadata.FrequencyTrigger(enabled: bool, centre_frequency_hz: int, window_length_shift: int)[source]#

Bases: object

Frequency trigger metadata.

centre_frequency_hz: int#

Centre frequency in Hz.

enabled: bool#

True if frequency trigger is enabled.

window_length_shift: int#

Window length shift in samples.

metamoth.metadata.assemble_metadata(path: str, media_info: MediaInfo, comment_metadata: dict, artist: Optional[str]) AMMetadata[source]#

Assemble the metadata for the recording.



Media information dictionary.


Metadata dictionary.


Artist string. Can be None.



Metadata object.

metamoth.metamoth module#

Main module.

metamoth.metamoth.parse_metadata(path: Union[PathLike, str]) AMMetadata[source]#

Parse the metadata from an AudioMoth recording.


path : PathLike



Parse metadata from the recording at path. The metadata is returned as a AMMetadata object.

metamoth.parsing module#

Functions for parsing the comment string of AudioMoth recordings.

exception metamoth.parsing.MessageFormatError[source]#

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when the message format is not correct.

metamoth.parsing.db_to_amplitude(db_value: float) int[source]#

Convert dB values to amplitude threshold value.

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment(comment: str) dict[source]#

Parse the comment string into a dictionary of metadata.


comment : str


metadata : dict

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_0(comment: str) CommentMetadataV1[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.0 firmware.



The comment string.


metadata : dict

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_0_1(comment: str) CommentMetadataV1[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.0.1 firmware.

Also valid for version 1.1.0.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV1

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_2_0(comment: str) CommentMetadataV1[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.2.0 firmware.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV1

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_2_1(comment: str) CommentMetadataV2[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.2.1 firmware.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV2

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_2_2(comment: str) CommentMetadataV2[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.2.2 firmware.

Also valid for version 1.3.0.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV2

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_4_0(comment: str) CommentMetadataV3[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.4.0 firmware.

Also valid for version 1.4.1.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV3

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_4_2(comment: str) CommentMetadataV3[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.4.2 firmware.

Also valid for versions 1.4.3 and 1.4.4.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV3

metamoth.parsing.parse_comment_version_1_6_0(comment: str) CommentMetadataV5[source]#

Parse the comment string of 1.6.0 firmware.


comment : str


metadata: CommentMetadataV5

metamoth.parsing.percentage_to_amplitude(percentage: float) int[source]#

Convert percentage values to amplitude threshold value.